Not all of the stuff could be put in the common bags we have, some products will need the special bag for them, such as the pipes, they will need a large, hard-wearing bag to store and transport them. Look the below backpack.
The cool stylish looks whilst safely, securely storing and transporting your bagpipes and accessories. For the piper on the move an unique Cool Pocket- designed to keep your favourite drink cooler until that thirst quenching moment arrives. The Cool Pocket will hold your favourite 6 pack with room to spare for other treats you may also wish to keep cooler for longer.
The backpack features
�?Extra heavy duty zip
�?Travel padlock
�?Dual carry positions
�?Adjustable backpack straps
�?Large external laptop pocket
�?MP3 pocket with headphone port
�?External practice chanter pocket
�?Cool pocket
�?Large internal pocket
�?Velcro strap to secure pipes
�?4 Internal mesh pockets
�?Airline friendly
Backpack Main compartment External size 25.75″ (65.5cm) x 14″ (35.5cm) x 7.5″ (19.1cm) Internal size 24.75″(62.9cm) x 13″ (33cm) x 7″ (17.8cm)